

More than six decades ago, Peninsula Family Service -then known as the Family Service Agency of San Mateo County- was created to strengthen and maintain local families. Over the years their original staff of two has grown to 150 employees who support participants in four Bay Area Counties: San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and San Mateo. Together with the help of our board, advisers, donors, volunteers, and partners. The Peninsula Family Service serves 12,000 individuals who need help overcoming the barriers standing between themselves and a life of opportunity, financial stability, and wellness.


Hillsborough Auxiliary to Peninsula Family Service was launched in 1964 by founding members who still remain active in the organization. Now comprising more than 150 members, the auxiliary hosts two annual signature events -a festive fall luncheon and elegant spring gala- and participates in service projects such as art activities for our preschoolers and holiday parties for older adults at their Fair Oaks Adult Activity Center. Each year, Auxiliary members raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of Peninsula Family Service programs. 



In the spring of 1968, members of the newly formed Red-Car-Bel -Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont- Auxiliary brainstormed ideas for generating ongoing support for Peninsula Family Service. The result was The Family Tree, a volunteer-run, resale boutique in San Carlos for which success has necessitated two expansions to larger spaces on downtown Laurel Street. Thanks to regular donations of gently used clothing, accessories, and housewares, and the dedicated work of Red-Car-Bel volunteers, the boutique continues to provide sustainable support for Peninsula Family Service.